Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Video Content Planning: A Guide for B2B Marketing Managers

I just completed this 14-page guide that covers issues related to creating video content for the business-to-business sector and have made it available through my http://www.b2bcopywriter.net/guide.php

I divided the video guide into three sections.

1) Brainstorming:  This section lists questions to help jumpstart your creative juices and shape the content of the video. I also include common tasks that you often need to complete along the production path, such as developing keywords and phrases for your video, clarifying your call-to-action and promoting your video through various communication channels.

2) Video project template:  Contains quick reference information to be completed for each video, including key dates, deadlines, objectives and contact information for those involved in the production.

3) Tips for creating a quality video: A series of short articles I’ve written based on my own experiences as a video scriptwriter and producer. Some of the article topics are …
  • Script or No Script?  Do you always need a script to produce a video?
  • Should YOU Write the Script?  Questions to ask yourself before you decide to write the script instead of hiring a professional scriptwriter.
  • How to Keep the Video Script on Target. After you’ve assembled all the information you need to create a video script, you may feel overwhelmed by it all. Here’s advice to help stay on track as you write.
  • Video: Is it Show or Tell? Ideally, it’s more show than tell, but here are three situations where you might rely more on audio.
  • Best Practices for Video.  Guidelines for creating compelling audio-visual content.
Currently, I am making the video planning guide available only to marketing managers, but I may release it to a wider audience in the near future.